Sunday, February 24, 2013

How to Plan for an Interesting Vacation

I love vacations, and I don’t think anyone doesn't  But planning is very essential in making the vacation interesting to you. Let me share my planning procedure with you all!
  • Choose a destination. 
     Choosing the right destination can make your trip more enjoyable and     memorable. There aren't many rules in how to choose it; you choose wherever you feel like going! For instance, I like to go to tropical places during winter because I can escape from the cold weather and wear pretty summer clothes, and also most tropical places’ winter is more comfortable than summer; summer can be unbearably hot and humid but winter is warm and dry. But this is not always the case, sometimes I feel like to go to somewhere that’s covered in snow and go for skiing and see ice sculptures. You can have millions of reasons of why you want to go somewhere, but be sure that you know that is the place you want to go.
  • Do I have enough money? 
     Ask yourself this question before going. This can be a factor that you choose your destinations. Maybe you want to go for a place that’s cheap airfare. Although people say that money isn't everything, it does get on people’s nerves sometimes. You don’t want to go to a place and find out that your money can only pays half of the trip. My parents always say to me that I should never be cheap on myself when traveling. It’s hard to avoid money spending during vacation so it’s really important to plan ahead and make sure that you can afford this trip. If you are going to another country, calculate the currency and exchange some money for that.
  • Find out your interests. 
     Everyone has different interests and hobbies. It would make more sense to visit somewhere that interests you. Despite that some people find museums boring, they still visits museums only because that they think they should go to museums if they visit Europe. It wouldn't be fun to visit somewhere that doesn't meet your interest, so why force yourself; after all you pay to have a good time. 

Hope these tips are useful to you. Enjoy your week guys!


  1. I find this post so interesting! I haven't traveled too far but I do plan to visit the unknown. I will definitely keep the above tips in mind. I'm tired of going to the same place over and over. I always visit Florida or California. I want change! So as you mentioned, choose somewhere enjoyable and memorable. I look forward to make memories in new places during my exploration. Thanks!

    1. That's great Laura! I visited California this winter and I loved it so much that I'm planning to visit there some time soon. You are right about traveling is an exploration experience and you learn so much while travel. Hope you have a fun vacation soon!
